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atmospheric composition中文是什么意思

用"atmospheric composition"造句"atmospheric composition"怎么读"atmospheric composition" in a sentence


  • 大气成分,大气组成
  • 大气组成


  • This powerful negative feedback loop would have tended to stabilize earth ' s temperature and atmospheric composition at exactly the point at which the layer of organic haze began to form
  • The goal of the united nations framework convention on climate change , produced in rio de janeiro in 1989 , is to stabilize atmospheric composition to “ prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system ” and to achieve that goal in ways that do not disrupt the global economy
  • Experts from the atmospheric composition observation and service centre of cma say , according to the acid rain observation network , the frequency of acid rain of 19 provinces in china is 100 % in this year ' s rainy season ; the rain in late august in beijing was all acid rain , with a high proportion of strong acid rain , which has never happened since 1993 ; strong acid rain occurred for five times in july when it rained frequently in beijing
    中国气象局大气成分观测与服务中心的专家介绍,酸雨观测网显示,今年雨季,全国有19个省市酸雨频率为100 % ,北京地区8月中下旬的降水过程均为酸性降水,强酸性降水比例很高,而这是自1993年以来观测中没有过的,同时, 7月的频繁降雨中,监测到5次降雨达到强酸性。
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